Say Goodbye to Underarm Chafing with Body Glide

Understanding Underarm Chafing

Underarm chafing, a common and discomforting issue, can strike anyone due to a combination of factors like friction, dry skin, and sweat. It occurs when the sensitive skin between your arms and torso becomes irritated and chafed. This problem is especially prevalent among athletes, overweight individuals, people working in hot and humid environments, and those engaged in repetitive or strenuous activities for extended periods (think warehouse workers, construction professionals, chefs, firefighters, and more). Surprisingly, even shaving your underarms can be a potential cause of chafing, as the hair grows back coarser in the early stages, leading to irritation.

Why Does Underarm Chafing Occur?

Chafing is a skin injury caused by friction, resulting in the rubbing off of layers of skin, leaving it red, raw, and irritated. Underarm chafing happens due to the constant and repetitive motion of your arms against your torso, coupled with the moisture and sweat that tends to accumulate in this area. This combination of factors—friction, moisture, and clothing—can lead to irritation, chafing, and discomfort in your underarm and armpit area.

Recognizing Underarm Chafing Symptoms

Underarm chafing can manifest in various ways, ranging from mildly irritated and dry skin to more severe blistering and rash-like symptoms. You may also experience:

  • Sore, tender, and red skin
  • Pain that varies from discomfort to intense stinging
  • Scabbing or a chapped, dry texture between your underarms and torso

Preventing Underarm Chafing with Body Glide

To keep underarm chafing at bay, apply a moisture-rich barrier between your skin or clothing. Body Glide® balms are specially formulated to enable smooth movement of your skin over itself or your clothing, reducing friction and eliminating chafing. Choosing the right clothing is equally important. Opt for moisture-wicking workout gear or undergarments that draw sweat away from your body, allowing it to evaporate without leaving salty residue on your skin. Regularly clean and moisturize your skin to keep it free of debris and healthy.

Treating Underarm Chafing

If you find yourself reading this guide a little too late and are already dealing with underarm chafing, here’s how to treat and heal it:

  1. Gently scrub the chafed skin: Cleanse the affected area carefully to remove any debris.
  2. Avoid harsh soaps or chemicals: Refrain from using products that might aggravate the affected area.
  3. Use a moisture-rich ointment: Apply an ointment that provides moisture to the affected area to promote healing.
  4. Let the area breathe: Wear clothing that won’t irritate or rub against the affected area, allowing it to heal.

In most cases, mild underarm chafing should improve within a few days. However, due to the potential for yeast and bacteria buildup in this area, it’s advisable to seek medical attention if your symptoms worsen or if you see no improvement. Your health professional can provide further guidance and treatment options to ensure a speedy recovery.

Don’t let underarm chafing disrupt your daily activities or workouts. With Body Glide and these preventive and treatment measures, you can enjoy a comfortable, chafe-free experience while staying active and confident.

Body Glide® Anti Chafe/Anti Blister Balms